Madidi, North West Province, South Africa


The Situation

  • The Madidi Community has a current population of 10 680 People and the community is currently reliant on a Tanker Service to access clean potable water.

  • Proximity of Long Drop Toilets to the current water sources affects local drinking water.

  • Of the 37  Community Boreholes, only 3 are  functional due to poor service delivery.

  • Local government is not trusted.

  • The Community is currently forced to purchase its potable water from shops due to the current state of the water due to the health issues that have occurred even after the water has been boiled.

The Solution:

  • Establish a Modular Water Purification System at a single distribution site designed to meet the needs of the community.

  • The community will pay for the water and the >75% of the money that is paid is re-invested into the community.

  • Agreed with the community that they will pay for the water that they consume..

  • Blue Drop Project has obtained approval from the Bakgatla Ba Mmakau Tribal Authority.

  • Appointment of responsible trustees and the establishment of a community trust

Purpose of the Proof of Concept:

  • To solve the lack of access to potable drinking water.

  • To alleviate the long term service delivery problems that are being encountered within the community.

  • To empower our communities through the provision of basic skills.

  • To create employment opportunities for the economically inactive members of our communities.

  • To empower communities to be responsible and independent.